Produced at JL DESIGN
Role: Animator
CNEX 紀實頻道為台灣首家以紀錄片為主的電視頻道,從紀實、人本、多元的內容規劃, 為知識份子打造一座視覺的智慧殿堂。創作概念核心是以大量複製的動態裝置象徵芸芸眾生,由數大姿態中讀見個體之美,在抽離現實的環境,彰顯人性本質。頻道包裝設計由代表CNEX 紀錄片頻道的紅色小方塊,在頻幕上翻轉移動,帶出象徵人海的格欄系統 (grid system),再從每個格線上的點延展出視窗與節目資訊。
Role: Animator
CNEX 紀實頻道為台灣首家以紀錄片為主的電視頻道,從紀實、人本、多元的內容規劃, 為知識份子打造一座視覺的智慧殿堂。創作概念核心是以大量複製的動態裝置象徵芸芸眾生,由數大姿態中讀見個體之美,在抽離現實的環境,彰顯人性本質。頻道包裝設計由代表CNEX 紀錄片頻道的紅色小方塊,在頻幕上翻轉移動,帶出象徵人海的格欄系統 (grid system),再從每個格線上的點延展出視窗與節目資訊。
CNEX is Taiwan's first local documentary channel. Focusing on current affairs and human stories, its diverse content caters to the knowledge seekers, those who are eager and curious. The concept for its branding is about celebrating the uniqueness of the individual. It is this individualistic behavior when observed in a group, a community or a society, that makes the seemingly ordinary, everyday life interesting. A grid system comprising of white squares and a red square to represent CNEX, shows how differences in individual movement makes for a compelling picture. The flat design allows for information to be easily read and for the movement to be neat and clean.
Client : CNEX 紀實頻道
Design Studio : JL DESIGN
Creative Director : JL 羅申駿
Executive Producer : Angela Moo 巫安琪
Senior Producer : Chia Ying Tsai 蔡佳穎
Art Director : Lance Wei 魏良恩
Designer : Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹
Animator : Jim Hsu 許峻良
Edit : Peter Kienetz